

Alex Kaempen

Places of Interest
1) Imperial Barracks
2) Imperial Prison
3) Imperial Mines

System Description
Sun:    Annic's Annex
Sun Type:   O1III
Position:   3 of 3
Moons:   1
Astronomical Anomalies: Its rather far from its sun (about where the
asteroid belt is)

Planetary Description
Location:   Midway between Bastion and the Unknown Regions
Sector:    n/a
Climate:   Arctic
Tech Level:   Advanced military
Major Exports:  Raw materials (heavy metals and fuels)
Major Imports:  Prisoners
Government:   Military Rule
Religion:   n/a
Loyalties:   Imperial
Population:   14,000
Nickname:   Hell

Planetary History:  Deneige was once a thriving jungle world teeming
with life.  About two million terran-years ago, an object half the size
of the planet collided and knocked it to twice its current distance from
its sun.  All life died out leaving a planet teeming with resources.
The ISD Tyrannic stumbled across it and established a penal colony.  Now
in its twelth year the colony is generating a lot of wealth for the
Empire (with a fair amount skimmed off to the Captain of the Tyrannic).
The population doubled in the past two years as large numbers of
die-hard rebels were shipped to a secure planet.  Escape is near
impossible as the equatorial temperature is 260 Kelvin (-13ºC) and the
only shuttles are Imperial landing craft.
 Nevertheless, pirates often attack the resource teeming base.  As such
the base has a full battalion of Imperial Stormtroopers guarding it
along with a full TIE Fighter Wing.

This page was last updated:
Sat Jun 28 2003