From Sat Feb 8 13:46:44 2003 Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 19:41:18 -0700 (PDT) From: Padawan Daroa To: Subject: FoE Role-Play: Like Two Padawans in a Pod (part 1) Important Role-Play here! Like Two Padawans in a Pod by R. J. Miller and Amanda Wilcoxen Kaliandra felt sick and lightheaded as she was guided on the antigrav stretcher through the dark hallway. She saw lights flicker and disappear overhead as they went. True to his word, Xanatos had made sure she was treated, if that's what you could call it. A doctor of sorts had cleaned her wounded foot and rebandaged it and then pumped her full of antibiotics and painkillers. She had then been put in a cell to sleep. She wasn't sure how long she had slept, but now they were moving her again. They came to set of doors and they opened to a wide barely lit chamber. A bright light spilled down from the ceiling to a figure suspended in the air. Kali squinted her barely focusing eyes on the figure and suddenly she recognized it. "Medenna," she whispered. The girl looked at the other woman carefully. The two men who had brought Kaliandra sat her up and then moved her to a strange looking device. Her head swam as they shifted her and suddenly she was enveloped in a restraint field and lifted gently into the air. Medenna, to be frank, hurt all over. She was starting to really get irritated by getting captured all the time. Kali closed her eyes and suddenly realized the Force null cuffs were off. She reached and...nothing. Sith! These things would be Force null. She opened her eyes and tried to focus on the other girl. "Medenna?" she called. Kali's voice didn't register to her at first due to her lost in her thoughts, but the second time she heard her voice, Medenna glanced around with her eyes. "Medenna?" Kali struggled to keep focused, but her head was getting fuzzy again. "K-kali?" "Hi," the older girl said, smiling wanly. "Are you okay?" "Oh yeah, I'm doing just dandy," Medenna said sardonically. "Are you?" "Great," she said, her vision starting to blur. "I think I'm going to pass out now, okay?" "That wouldn't be good...considering our situation and all." Kali took a slow deep breath and her vision started to clear. "Okay." The younger girl tried to ignore the pain in her ribs. " did you get here in the first place?" "I did something really stupid," Kali said softly. "I jumped in a sewer without really looking. Sewers are really nasty." ^ÓAnd smelly too.^Ô "Really smelling. Xanatos tricked me. I thought Octavia was in trouble. I went to find her and landed on a spike strip." Kali shuddered at the memory. "Xanatos caught me and crushed my foot when I tried to get away." She grimaced. "Sorry." Kali gave a small dry laugh. "My own fault. 'Look before you leap.' I forgot to look." "Make sure you look next time." "Yeah," she said softly. If there is a next time, she thought. "What about you?" "Got grabbed off of Yavin." She paused briefly. "They were trying to say that my father wanted me back...but they were tricked by Xanatos." "I'm sorry, Medenna," Kali said softly. "Don't be. You weren't the kidnapper." ^ÓHow long have you been here?^Ô she asked. "I'm not sure." Heck, she didn't even know where *here* was. ^ÓI^Òm getting really sick of not being able to feel the Force,^Ô Kali said abruptly. Medenna smiled a bit. "You're not the only one." "I don't like this," the older girl said softly. She threw herself against the restraint field, but she didn't budge. Nothing moved. Panic surged through here. "Oh, Force, ohforceohforceohforceohforce," she moaned. "What's happening?!" "I can't move!" Medenna frowned, concerned, and looked around again. "Oh, Sith! We're going to die!" Kali said in a strained voice. There's still a chance of survival," Medenna reassured her. "We're not dead yet." Kali felt tears slipped down her cheeks and couldn't even move to wipe them away. She took a deep breath and tried to focus. She was panicking. Panicking was bad thing to do. She needed to calm herself. She took several more deep breaths and felt the fear start to recede. "I'm okay," she said after a moment. "Sorry." "It's okay." Kali sighed. "They'll come for us." "I know," Medenna said sadly. "I told Octavia not to come, but I don't think she'll listen to me. Force, she won't even listen to the Council, why should she listen to me?" Medenna's ears perked up. "What? She won't listen to the Council?" Kali sighed. "They recalled her from the mission we went on. Only, she didn't go back to Yavin." "That's not like her..." "She feels an obligation to Psylock," she said softly. Force, was she tired. She struggled to keep her mind focused. "Oh." She blinked her eyes. Kali lapsed into silence. Maybe if she just rested her eyes a minute. Medenna glanced at Kali. Was it good if she fell asleep? Probably not, considering everything. So she shouted, "Kali!" Her eyes snapped open. "What?" "How bad are you?" She thought about that moment and then answered. "Pretty bad." "Would it worsen if you fell asleep?" "I'll worsen if they don't give me any more antibiotics. I can't access the Force to fight the infection off. I'm not focusing very well as it is, that's why I panicked so badly before. I might do that again, so don't listen to me, it's the fever." She nodded slightly. "I don't think they'll do anything to us if we sleep," she went on. "We're bait right now and they need to keep the bail alive." It made sense. Medenna fell silent. "Are you okay?" "Yeah." "Are you hurt?" Kali could have kicked herself, she should have asked her that before. "A little...I'll be okay." "How much is 'a little'?" "All over." Kali sighed. "Anything broken?" "Maybe a rib." Kali closed her eyes a moment. "Force," she breathed. "Anything else?" Medenna glanced at her right arm. "And my arm..." "Oh, Sith," Kali said softly. "Did they do anything for you?" "Besides hurt me badly? I don't think so." She licked her cracked and dried lips. Kali swore viciously in Huttise and about every other language she could think of. Medenna was a kid for Force sake. Kali could feel the pain medication wearing off and the throb in her foot intensifying. She grit her teeth and tried to focus her mind elsewhere. Despite the restraint field, fine tremors started to course though her. Medenna looked over at the older woman with concern. "You should try to rest," Kali said. "Yeah, I should, shouldn't I?" "Yeah," Kali sighed. "I'm so thirsty." "I know," the young Knight said. "Me too." She strained to look over at her. "Have they been in to check on you since they put you in here?" "No." "Any idea how long you've been in here?" "Hours maybe?" She really wasn't that sure. "Where were you before?" she asked. "Before here?" Again, she licked her lips. "Some ship...then Xanatos' ship...then here...I think." Kali struggled to focus her mind. Her head started to pound from struggling to concentrate. "Wh....when did you get hurt?" "Sometime after Xanatos got me." "Why?" "I don't know...maybe it's the thing he has against Jedi...against me...who knows." "Did you do something or did he torture you?" she asked, dreading the answer. "Both." "Oh, Force," she said softly. "I'm sorry. What happened?" "I just tried to escape...get away from him...apparently...he didn't like that very much." Hate flooded through Kaliandra and she had to force herself to let go of it. Xanatos was evil and he had to be stopped. She had to think of some way to get Medenna away from him. Something... Fatigue and confusion washed over her. Oh, Sith, she couldn't faint now. Medenna fell silent again, closing her eyes. Kali struggled to cling to consciousness, but it was a losing battle. Her body need rest and slowly started to shut down. Finally, she stopped struggling and let the darkness take her. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? 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