Forces Of the Empire

1991 Timeline



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Cam Briavel-Lightdancer has a son. She names him after her deceased husband -- Jeren Lightdancer, Jr. During the pregnancy, she started to manifest Force abilities -- random and inconsistent. After the birth, at which time Luke informs her that Jeren, Jr. is a Force user, her abilities stabilize to a minor level. She learns quickly how to squelch Jeren's unconscious use of the Force when he's crying and to keep his presence shielded from outsiders. She refuses to call herself a Jedi, despite the fact that she forms a telepathic link with Kirienne Solo (her best friend) and can control her son.

Lt. Rothana Maire gives birth on same day to son, Kelson Maire at the Fleet Medical Facility on Imperial Center.

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Aretta Fariss is believed to be killed in a shootout with Imperial pursuit ships. Aretta's ship limps into a smuggler's hideout for repairs, and she begins the search for Sam under a new alias.

Samantha receives an invitation to Coruscant from the Emperor and becomes his ward, but declines Sith training.

The Pleasure Dome orbiting amusement facility at Imperial Center is bombed by terrorists. INN reporter Kerelsen Drew, on the scene for a stock story about the park, broadcasts an exclusive, and begins an investigation into the bombing. CAPT Haldane Maire, husband to Lt. Rothana Maire and their three year old daughter, Rosatta are killed in the explosion. Rothana goes mad with grief, convinced, albeit with out proof, that they were killed by the Alliance. Her parents take on the care of the six week old Kelson and she visits him between missions and on weekends when she is working at Imperial Center. A hero's memorial is given for CAPT Maire when it becomes clear from Drew's holographic footage that he died in the process of rescuing trapped children although he was seriously injured.

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After being kept awake for two months from the Force cries of Kelson Maire, the Jedi reluctantly determine that to protect the child from the Sith, he and his parents should be "rescued" and brought over to the Alliance. They begin to search for Kelson's actual location.

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Vordis returns from a fleet mission at the Emperor's request and is introduced to Samantha by the Emperor. Sam develops a crush on Vordis.

Kerelsen Drew's investigation leads to a high Imperial official's office and she prepares a holotape about the search for the truth of the Pleasure Dome disaster and the resulting proof of it being an attempt to get the public and official eye off of the Deputy Minister for Fiscal Responsibility's graft and bribery charges. Drew's station manager refuses to air the piece and Kerelsen storms out of the station, only to be pursued by Imperial stormtroopers set on her by an informant to the Imperial Propaganda Office who does not want the truth to be broadcast or published. She makes it to her ship THE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS and barely gets away into hyperspace and the rimworlds without getting arrested. However, a shot from a lunar laser battery damages her ship and she misjumps, ending up about 90 degrees off of where she was originally headed. She finds support from several of the residents of various Rimworlds and learns about the IGNN and it's head, Joshua Dark. She keeps just ahead of the officials looking for her and begins to collect information about the apparent use of innocent civilians as test subjects in the Imperial Biowarfare Labs.

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Alliance High Command decides to build a new HQ base in the Ofdias Asteroid belt. Cam Lightdancer is selected to be Resident Officer in Charge of Construction.

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Kerelsen Drew is captured by an Imperial SD which recognized her ship when she popped out of hyperspace over another rimworld--very much in the wrong place at the wrong time. THE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS is grabbed by a tractor beam and a knockout gas is introduced into the ventilation system. Drew is dumped in the brig and a message is sent to the IPO of her capture. Wynn Barezz travels to meet the SD. Cam Lightdancer and her son, Jeren, Jr., depart for the Ofdias base site with the building crew and begin work. Alliance Counselor Borath of the procurement section makes secret investments in firms which provide necessary equipment and materials for the new base.

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This page maintained by: Hawkwood
and Darana

Last modified:
Sat Aug 11 2001