Due to various logistical and legal reasons, we cannot have volunteers pick people up at the airport, bus stations, or train depots. Instead, we have opted to adopt the system used by AmberCon Northwest. Under this system, if you want to share a ride to or from the hotel with other attendees, e-mail your mode of transportation (air, train, bus), your airline (if flying) and your arrival/departure time to by April 9, 2009. Shortly before the Con, you will be given the names and e-mail addresses of those attendees (if any) who are arriving or departing close to the same time as you are. You can then coordinate with each other where you want to meet and which transportation option you will share.

Listed below (in alphabetical order) are transportation services which go out to Embassy Suites from Detroit Metro (DTW) airport.

(877) 644-8726
From the airport to the hotel, $59 per car, from the hotel to the airport, $44 per car. Four person max. Rate is for Embassy Suites guests.

CHECKER SEDANS (formerly known as Commuter Express)
(800) 351-5466 or (888) 854-6700
$45 per car, one way, three person max, can make reservations or just look for a checker sedan.

(800) 456-1701
From the airport to the hotel, $53 per sedan, from the hotel to the airport, $51 per sedan. Four person max. Please make reservations ahead of time.

(800) 320-1683 (US & Canada) or 011 248-666-2110 (outside US & Canada)
$55 per trip, four person max, please make reservations ahead of time, so driver can monitor your flight and be waiting for you.

10-15% driver gratuity is NOT included in the above prices.

Prices were last verified March 5 2008, and may have changed. If you find a price has changed, or know of a service not listed here, contact to update the page.