Tell My Horse...

"By the Gods, man, why don't you carry a blade?"
April 25, 1996, Session Summary:

When last we met our foolhardy^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hbrave, noble Tsolyani, they had left the winemakers' clanhouse just as it burst into flames.

Under partial disguise, courtesy of a spell from The Most Beautiful Shekkara, they made their way through the city toward the Temple district. There, they encountered the first of two blockades. The Most Refulgent Dlarku bluffed them past the first blockade-- that of the "enemy"--and at the second they found soldiers of an unknown legion keeping guard. Shekkara recognized them as those of Prince Rereshqala and showed to them the letter from her clan uncle, The Protector of Jakalla and Most Noble Imperial Prince Rereshqala.

The Refulgent Dlarku then confidently led the party into the Temple of Lord Ksarul and down into its lower and less used public chapels where Tetkoru gifted a 9th circle Priest of the Doomed Prince for their gracious hospitality, while The Honorable Ngaya displayed uncharacteristic clumsiness with her kaitars.

Their Most Secret Companion directed them to a specific chapel. There, they searched and failed to locate, due to references too obscure for those not of the Doomed Prince's faith, a door that would lead them out and beyond the Temple, beyond the city, beyond the reach of all but their enemies... Ah, but I get ahead of myself.

Dlarku desired some time alone with his God, returned to the group most transcendent, and requested the use of a sword. Tetkoru offered him the use of his magnificent metal blade, of which Dlarku showed his appreciation through expert handling. Shekkara and Akhan observed most cautiously Dlarku's new state of mind, while Dlarku revealed to the party that the secret of the door to Beyond could be had--for the price of a simple sacrifice. *

Shekkara's pleasure slave Arjun fainted. Ngaya, in the sharing spirit of Lord Chegarra, offered most generously the use of her slave as a sacrifice to Lord Ksarul, but, having recently become disassociated from consciousness, the slave sadly could not be used. The Mighty Akhan then stepped in and offered his slave as a substitute. The slave, in an act that reflected most nobly upon Akhan and his god Lord Karakan, went humbly to his fate. As Dlarku prepared the sacrifice, two first circle priests arrived just in time to participate in the ritual. Having seem them and judged them to be more worthy than a mere slave for this great honor, the horse, Dlarku, sacrificed and feasted upon them instead. *

Whereupon, after the feast, Dlarku found himself alone in his corporal body, but not without the gift of knowledge from his god: The Door to Beyond may be opened by pressing upon the single occurance of the word "door."

Dlarku, in a moment of unparalleled brilliance, recognized that where they were going next it would be better for them to travel in the company of his God, and so wisely dispensed with performing the ritual of cleansing. *

The most brave and noble party quickly departed for places low. Yea! One might even say that they ventured to the depths of the Underworld! La! So brave is our party! So noble must be their goal to venture to such a despised place where ignoble acts are perpetrated against noble persons without recourse! May their foes quake with laughter^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hfear at the sound of their footsteps!

Lo! Wrote this, Lisa Leutheuser, horse of The Most Beautiful Shekkara Tlakotani, on this 30th day of April, 1996 Anno Domini.