On the Naming of Children

In Tsolyani society, the parents get to pick an initial use-name for a child when he or she is born. This name is likely to be superseded at some point in life, perhaps by other nicknames, but certainly at the time of the child's coming of age ceremony, at which point either the child or the Clan Elders get to pick a "real" name by which the new adult will henceforth be known.

La! How fortunate that Tsolyani children get to replace their names when they come of age!

La! How regrettable that Akhan's concubine was of insufficient status to persuade him not to give his son a nickname better suited to the drill fields upon which this noble warrior (Akhan, that is) spent many years as a Tirrikamu!

La! How Akhan's child, little Melon-Head, will rejoice when at last he comes of age!